FREE Dinosaur Printable and Warm-ups for HOW TO HOLD A PENCIL!
Freebie to teach pencil grasp with the cute tiny dinosaurs.
Teach a child to put a tiny space between their thumb and index finger and to hold the dots. Then teach to tuck the long finger underneath the pencil in case the dinosaur needs to rest! The printable includes the tiny dinosaur plus the dots for where to place the thumb and index finger. Just print, cut and tape to the pencil or crayons! Remind students to make a dinosaur space. They should be able to see the tiny dinosaur when holding the pencil.
There is a story included about Davy the tiny dinosaur. Davy goes to school with his friend. Davy hid on his friends pencil. When his friend squeezed the pencil too tight or covered Davy with his thumb, Davy said “ouch”! His friend learned to leave a tiny little space on the pencil so that Davy could sit comfortably on the pencil while at school.
Many students form a lateral grasp. Other students rotate their thumb in and squeeze the pencil. As an occupational therapist who specializes in handwriting, I created this activity to help solve these issues. I also sometimes use a TIP grip protocol (training included – and you can tape the dinosaur printable to this adapation if needed). I have many students who do not need a grip on a pencil, but do need some training for how to hold a regular pencil. This file is perfect!
Link for the FREEBIE:
If you would like more fine motor skills activities, The Fine Motor Store has over 300 products for fine motor skills, handwriting and differentiated writing!